Hope, Trust, and Faith Through Autism

Does it matter how old my seventh autistic spectrum disorder patient was?

Age matters in psychology because the first stage of life, from zero to eighteen months old, deals with trust vs. mistrust; for this reason when a baby, barely one year alive, was that patient, I was distraught. I was heartbroken knowing these traumas would affect the core of his values and beliefs into adulthood.

Nowadays this boy is a thriving, walking, talking, running, precocious child wreaking havoc as a healthy four year old should. But, he wasn't always like this. Especially not before a  certain hot, humid Florida summer. 

Every year I take a volunteer trip to Colombia with my daughter. It is my favorite and most important time of the year, since it teaches her about our roots while showing her our blessings in life. I had less than a week to go putting the finishing touches on my preparations, when a beautiful Arab couple in their mid twenties entered my office in Orlando, Florida. Deep pain filled the room as this new mom and dad looked at me with desperation and I sensed an almost forgone hope masked by an exterior sense of false strength.  They had to be strong after enduring the prognosis that their boy would never walk, talk, or eat on his own again. 

A sick eleven-month-old baby boy named Zyad, being carried by his mom, Hagar, and accompanied by his dad, Sam, sat in front of me. 

The frail, drooling baby unable to hold his head up told me telepathically, “my mom has increasingly poisoned me while I was in her womb.” Mustering all my courage within the understanding that comes along with people's inability to grasp the scope of my intuitive gifts, I had to hold back my tears. Being a mom myself, all I could do was wonder how the healing process would unveil itself, as he was the youngest child I'd worked on back then.

Sam explained Zyad was diagnosed with epilepsy from birth, having erratic behaviors and being unable to crawl. “We were resigning ourselves to his slow development. When he was eight months old, we were to travel home to Morocco and had to have him vaccinated. After the shot on his left arm, Zyad developed a rash, non-stop fevers, and his arm swole down to his hand.  He was never the same again, between the spiking fevers, drooling, and not being able to hold his head up again, sleep through the night, or attempt to speak, we feel so lost, we have tried everything. He refuses to eat, cries, and has fits of intense anger throwing and pushing away anything we try to give him. We've lost our son, we know he is inside this motionless baby. All we see is this closed-off child unaware of how we love him."

I’d never worked with a woman who had been given Zofran as a “safe medicine” for nausea, being as it was known to create developmental disorders in newborns. Hagar stared at me intensely waiting to hear how I was to handle their case. I found my encyclopedic-like brain not only digesting what they were saying but also analyzing and comparing the six children with an array of spectrum disorders I'd successfully worked with before. By using my telepathic, clairaudient, and clairvisual abilities, images, and this boy's own lost voice, I began to unravel every part of his great mystery. As an instrument of God, higher power, or whatever other names you understand as your faith, I asked to be shown the baby's ancestors, guides, and other angels to step forth and help me. I see God as unconditional love, non-judging of all beings of all colors, races, religions while knowing the equanimity of it all as sacred. 

The baby before me told me telepathically in his level of understanding how his mom had 'poisoned' him during the first trimester and the two consecutive ones that followed as the toxins increased. He showed me how resilient he had been during the entirety of his gestation period by using all of his will to survive. Compiling all the 'truths' this young soul shared with me, it was now my turn to find a way to communicate the words and visions.

Without wavering, I stared into Hagar's eyes, and explained that through working with so many people I've learned that we Souls do pick our parents. I continued, "We are born with a willingness or lack thereof to exalt ourselves upon the quest of not only our evolution but also all of our Soul's journey in this and every other planet in the vastness of our Universe." I went on, "Hagar, what I am about to tell you is exactly what your baby is saying." An unsettling feeling crept in, being a mother myself. "This is not a judgment, it is his understanding of the events. Everything we experience is 99.999% our perception, never the truth." As I often repeat to new patients, "I ask you to not place blame, or see it as good or bad, it just is." I persisted, “The events in our existence are in divine order. Choosing to understand this, you can begin to see this situation as a large puzzle we are looking to solve."

She nodded her head: "Yes, I understand." The dryness in her words allowed me to surmise she was all cried out. Long gone were the tears of intense pain and now in its place was steadfast anger. Suddenly her words were gone.  Noting this, Sam jumped in exclaiming, "you can tell us anything, we've heard it all!"

I freely continued, "your boy speaks of being poisoned by something the mom was taking during the gestation period.”  

Searching for facial reactions I went on, "He says that every trimester the dose was increased," I then moved on to the difficult part, "I understand you believe it was the vaccination alone, since it was his first vaccine ever. Nonetheless, what I hear is that he already came with challenges, as your ancestors who stand here bare witness to your genetic makeup being incompatible." 

Back then, I used to worry my patients might not believe me. Suddenly the dad was uncontrollably crying as he shared, "Yes, you’re right my wife had a very bad flu, the doctors said the 40-day antibiotic treatment they placed her under was safe and would not harm the development of our son. After the first trimester, she was still very sick, and they gave her stronger antibiotics with the next two trimesters. When Zyad was born she was still on Zofran and antibiotics." Sobbing he pleaded, "Can you help us?"

It was Mid May, in less than two weeks I was to travel. I was shown we needed to act quickly to reverse the effects of not only the vaccines, but also the antibiotics and the incompatibility between the genetic profile of the parents. 

I never know what it is I am to do until the person is before me.  I listen, see, and do what higher power, their ancestors, guides, and angels show me what, and how to do it; as I do take into account all of the years of Holistic Complementary medicine I’ve educated myself with as part of my vast tool box for healing. As such, I always explain I am only an instrument, the miracles happen in the commitment and action, compiled by the Homeworks they are to complete each step of the way. I was shocked that Hagar remained emotionless, as Sam cried, "Yes, we will do whatever it takes!"  

"I'm going to South America in June,” I said, “but we need to act fast. I will shorten my trip to be back in two weeks. Meanwhile, I need to see him twice before I leave, and at least once a week upon my return. I'll work with him mixing Chinese and Japanese medicine, Homeopathic Biotherapeutic drainage, changing his miasm remedies daily, and doing a mixture of cranial sacral therapy, tui-na, and red laser acupoints. You will follow a change in his diet, I will give exercises, movements, remedies and whatever Spiritual homework I am guided to help move the toxins. You must build more hope, trust and faith than you've ever known as I ask you to direct healing loving energy alongside all we do. On my side I promise to do everything in my power to heal him.” And so I did. 

They trusted me blindly, and it filled me with more confidence toward my own gifts than I had ever given myself credit for, in turn helping me to become a better mom. Since I almost lost my child in my last trimester during September 11, 2001.  Then again, when she was a baby, while living in a highrise overlooking the Miami Beach Marina. I understand far too well the pain of not knowing how a child will develop. This family was a poignant lesson about the urgency in working with toxic terrain individuals and fostered an increased awareness of mental disorders, Autism, Asperger and other spectrum conditions. Every day I grow more grateful to have a healthy child having lived through the challenges as we navigated Zyad’s condition bringing him back to homeostasis in watching him thrive  through his amazing recovery.


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